Bride waxes 3 days before wedding--disaster ensues

I was recently asked about a woman using Retin-A® who had gone for waxing of her eyebrows 3 days before her wedding and ended up with 1 inch rectangular strips of skin peeled off above and below her eyebrows.
I was recently asked about a woman using Retin-A® who had gone for waxing of her eyebrows 3 days before her wedding and ended up with 1 inch rectangular strips of skin peeled off above and below her eyebrows.
Oh boy—not a good wedding look.
She had not been asked by the nail tech who was doing the waxing about the use of treatments or skin care that might affect her results.
If you use a retinoid (Refissa®, Renova®, Retin-A®, Differin® or Tazorac® ), any acne treatment product either over the counter or by prescription, Glycolic Acid, Salicylic Acid, Lactic Acid, Multi-Fruit Acid (or any acid) Vitamin C, or Retinol you should discontinue them to the area to be treated before waxing, bleaching, skin peels, microdermabrasion, electrolysis, hair removal, vein treatment, acne surgery, or facials.
Your aesthetician, nurse or physician should ask about use of these products and tell you to discontinue them before treatment, but to be sure, tell them upfront. If you are having procedures, even a waxing, be sure that the person performing them is trained properly because even minor treatments can have complications.
And don’t do them 3 days before your wedding.