Clear the skin canvas and start over

Clear the skin canvas and start over

I was reading a survey today that suggested that American women prefer that cosmetics that deliver flawless skin and sun protection, over fashion-forward colors. "Flawless" skin tone was chosen by all participants. Minimizing fine lines and wrinkles was the second response. Regardless of age, these skin-related benefits were chosen ahead of more cosmetic benefits including elongated darkened lashes, colorful full-looking lips, and defined cheekbones.

%7Bfiledir_1%7DClear-the-canvas.jpgI was reading a survey today that suggested that American women prefer that cosmetics that deliver flawless skin and sun protection, over fashion-forward colors. “Flawless” skin tone was chosen by all participants. Minimizing fine lines and wrinkles was the second response. Regardless of age, these skin-related benefits were chosen ahead of more cosmetic benefits including elongated darkened lashes, colorful full-looking lips, and defined cheekbones.

Young skin is smooth, soft, reflective of light and without visible spots or wrinkles. When we see an individual with those characteristics, we subconsciously classify that individual as young. So it is not surprising that women want to achieve that “flawless skin tone”.

Unfortunately, I often see women wear heavier makeup in an attempt to cover up the spots and wrinkles that age them. Actually, it is best to lighten up on makeup as you age, as heavy makeup often accentuates wrinkles and raised spots. And it also gives a dull surface that prevents skin from the youthful reflection of light. The best option is to treat the signs of aging skin with skin care containing antioxidants, peptides and hydoxy acids followed by a lighter, mineral based foundation powder to help disguise the imperfections. It is often helpful to finish with a light reflecting mineral glow powder to restore the light reflective properties of the skin. More improvement in spots, discoloration, dullness and wrinkling can be gained with aesthetic treatments such as prescription retinoids, chemical peels, microdermabrasion, laser resurfacing, dermal fillers, and Botox. One of my favorite sayings is “Clear the canvas and start over”.

The good news is that fifty-six percent of American women wear cosmetics and makeup with SPF to provide protection from harmful UV rays with older women more likely to wear SPF cosmetic products and makeup all year round. Since daily sun damage, rather than just episodic bursts of sun exposure, is largely responsible for the spots, roughness, wrinkles and dullness that age the skin this is smart skin care. I don’t see why the number isn’t one hundred percent of women using daily sun protection. After all, prevention is the easiest of all.