Freeze Away Fat Without Surgery or Liposuction

A major technological advancement, CoolSculpting fat freezing procedure is a FDA approved treatment that safely and effectively delivers precisely controlled cooling, targeting fat cells underneath the skin.
CoolSculpting reshapes your body without invasive procedures
Nonsurgical fat-reduction procedures are in high demand, with treatments rising 43% in the last year according to the latest statistics from the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS). The desire for permanent, effective, non-surgical fat reduction without surgery or downtime is driving the trend. Luckily, CoolSculpting works!
What is CoolSculpting Fat Freezing?
A major technological advancement, CoolSculpting fat freezing procedure is a FDA approved treatment that safely and effectively delivers precisely controlled cooling, targeting fat cells underneath the skin. The treated cells crystalize (freeze), are killed and processed out of the body just like dietary fat. Different from weight loss or some other non-invasive fat treatments, the fat cells are not shrunken, only to increase back in size later. The cells are actually killed, and then removed from the target area and from the body. CoolSculpting helps you get rid of fat without surgery, liposuction, diet or exercise.
Is CoolSculpting Non-Invasive Fat Reduction Right for Me?
CoolSculpting is designed to target specific bulges like muffin top, love handles, tummy bulge, and back and arm fat, not as an overall weight loss treatment. Fat in those areas is often resistant to weight loss and exercise. Reducing unwanted fat sculpts your body, giving you the shape and contour you want.
The treatment provides significant, durable, and reliable results while avoiding the potential risks and downtime associated with traditional liposuction or laser liposuction. This non-surgical approach is good for reducing specific areas of fat, and for those who don't want to undergo surgery or more invasive liposuction for fat removal.
Say Goodbye to Fat While You Are Doing Something Else
During the CoolSculpting procedure the area to be treated is evaluated. There are two sizes of adapters, designed to treat different areas with fat bulges. Some patients and some areas do best with the larger adapter, and some with the medium size adapter. This varies for each patient and with the results that you want to achieve. We will help you decide which adapter, or which combination of adapters, is right for you.
The adapter draws the fat bulge up between two cooling panels. Treatment of a single area usually lasts one hour. Multiple areas can be treated during a single visit. You will be seated in our comfortable reclining chair during the procedure. Many people spend this time reading, watching our flat screen TV, using their iPad, or talking on the phone.
How to Maximize Results with CoolSculpting
We have a lot of experience with CoolSculpting and will give you individualized treatment plan based on your specific problem areas and the results you want to achieve. For some patients, a second treatment 4-6 weeks after the first procedure will maximize results.
Reshape Your Body
If you are tired of that pooch hanging over your jeans, don’t like other bulges, or want to feel more comfortable in the more revealing clothes of spring or summer, now is the time to find out more about how CoolSculpting can help. Enjoy liking what you see in the mirror again.
Check out our photos of our patient’s actual results with CoolSculpting, at Advanced Skin Treatment Center, Elaine Cook M.D. in Amarillo, Texas
Don’t Wait
Call us today at 806-358-1117 or 800-417-SKIN, or email us at to find out how CoolSculpting can help you look better and feel more confident!